Manitou Movie School
Explore Your Self   -   Explore Your World
Diagnosis: Borderline Character Disorder (BCD)...identification and characterization in both person and society...very fast cycling of mind and mood...extremely quick swings in attitude...happy to angry in mere seconds, then back again...elation to bitterness in no time flat...alternately dishes quick praise then harsh judgment...

Etiology, rapid and extreme cycling of mind-body, severe dual-brain inbalance/conflict, seemingly exaggerated and brought to the surface with drug use, alcohol in this case, and perhaps cannabis as well, though with self-awareness of problem both during and post-cannabis and less extreme swings (bias/subjectivity?).

More on Societal BCD found here...
Managing the crazy-maker, reigning in their controlling tendencies, and moderating their defensiveness before things get out of control...

Guidance and balance found in Tai Chi.